Lo Hong Ka Wonder Enzyme Fiber Plus Wheatgrass 12g x (12’s + 2’s)


Lo Hong Ka’s Wonder Enzymes Fiber Plus Wheatgrass contains wheatgrass, digestive enzymes, and is high in dietary fiber which helps promote weight loss and improve digestive health which becomes heaty.

– Good for digestion
– Act as detoxifier
– Benefit in weight loss by controlling one’s appetite
– Regulate blood sugar level

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Additional information

Weight0.6 kg
Dimensions17 × 12 × 12 cm

Product Descriptions

How to Store & How to Consume:
It is recommended to drink before meals. 1-2 times per day.
Add 1 sachet of Wonder Enzymes Fibre Plus Wheatgrass into 150ml warm water, mix well and ready to serve.

How long will it take to help detoxification:
It depends on your personal body constitute and your physical health problem.

Is not recommended for below 5 months pregnant women. Please be consumed in accordance with the advice of a qualified healthcare professional.

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